Sunday, January 15, 2017

Mainly Beef Jerky

Hey folks,

I apologize for the last post and for those that were tricked into reading it. Hopefully you were not too irked by the clickbait. The content was more vital than the title in all honesty.

In all seriousness I do want to take a moment to let anyone who knows that I am trying to find some sort of niche on this blog. I have no idea who is reading this but every one is appreciated. There is a natural tendency for me to let friends and associates know about this site, but for whatever timid desire I don't want to. If they find this by chance then that's great. But I'd like to reach out to those I don't know.

For now the bulk of these posts will be anything that's on my mind. I aim to be humorous in these and fail, which is likely why I have no followers at the moment. For today I'd like to let you all know I am well-versed in the art of beef jerky making. I started over a year ago for a project in a Entrepreneur class in high school. In the spring presentation to a panel of judges, I won first place and moved on to the next round a few weeks later. I didn't advance from there because of a crap Q&A session, but the product hasn't changed. Everyone who has bought it has loved it somehow, and the jerky has had success ever since.

If any of you are interested in buying some or would like more information please get in contact with me via email. I have some means of packaging them and delivering them. Have a good one!


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