Greetings reader, it's been a while since I've blogged so I thought I'd revisit. Speaking of revisits, I took a peak at a favored biography recently. Not only is it very good but it is one of my favorite reads, period (even though I read books as much as vegans eat eggs). The book is American Lion - Andrew Jackson in the White House, by Jon Meacham.
I bought it back in November at a bookstore; a teacher had mentioned it some time ago and it caught my eye. Reading it with growing intrigue, I kept up for about a month but took a break from it after the Christmas holiday. I continued reading it tonight out of boredom.
Jon Meacham does an unbelievable job of drawing you in to Andrew Jackson's story. Part of that reason is simply because Jackson had an extraordinary life, filled with plenty of obstacles. It is understood that Jackson obviously wasn't a flawless man, but his love for his country and family is made evident. The goal of Andrew Jackson was to protect the common man, which I think is a relevant idea today. Anyone interested in American history should definitely look into American Lion.
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